Happy New Year
How did you spend your special holidays?
Did you eat New Year’s Osechi?
Me?? Of course I ate it in my house.
We always have Chikuze-ni as Osechi, and this is one of traditional dishes in my house.
The taste of it has inherit from generation to generation.
There is reason why eating Osechi in New Year’s culture has preserved among Japanese.
I would like to explain it by using Chikuze-ni as an example.
In Chikuze-ni, we use many roots such as burdock, lotus root, and taros as ingredients. The reason why we use this because they grow numbers of crops under the ground, and it represents we hopefully can bring prosperity of descendants. Such as this, every food in Osechi has a meaning and became our tradition. We hope every one of you had a great New Year and best wish for you to have a successful year.
Thank you.
Sincerely yours.
