Mimilocco, furnished higher-grade rental apartment, just a two-minute walk to JR Ashiya station
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Maeda Real Estate Co., Ltd.
Business hours 9:30-17:30


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My favorite Summer Festival!

 I went to a summer festival in the town where I lived for over 20 years.

when I hear this Danjiri music, I feel summer!

Every year it gets hotter and hotter, and I wonder how hot it must be

for the people carrying the portable shrines, even though I am sweating just watching them.

I also wonder if the gods sitting in the portable shrines are also exhausted from the heat,

or if the heat makes them tired of keeping the peace in this town.

Shouldn’t the sacred sake be cooled down to the perfect temperature

before offering it to the gods?

With such a naughty thought in my mind, I enjoyed the summer with a beer in my hand.



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